
Twice a year, Saaremaa serves as a stopover site for migratory birds on their long journey. In both spring and autumn, the island’s coasts and waters come alive with diverse birdlife.

During the breeding season, the shallow bays along the southern and western coasts are particularly rich in avian activity. Birdwatching towers have been built near Kuressaare and in different locations across Saaremaa, providing safe vantage points for observing nesting birds. This makes Saaremaa an excellent destination for birdwatching.

The western coast of Saaremaa is home to Vilsandi National Park, the oldest protected area in the Baltic States. The area has been placed under protection precisely for the purpose of bird conservation. In addition to Vilsandi, the tip of the Sõrve Peninsula is another favourite stop for migratory birds on their long journey. Regular migration observations take place at Sõrve Cape, with more than 1.5 million birds observed passing through during the autumn season.

The best locations for observing overwintering water birds are the coasts of Northwest Saaremaa and Sõrve. The Steller’s eider is one of the rare species that can be spotted during the winter months.

Island-style birdwatching

Birdwatching on Saaremaa offers a unique experience, attracting both seasoned ornithologists and casual hobbyists. Saaremaa’s diverse nature and strategic location at the crossroads of migratory routes make it a true magnet for birdwatchers. Thousands of migratory birds pass through the island every spring and autumn, offering an enchanting spectacle and the chance to spot rare species. If you do not know how to go birdwatching on your own, do not worry. Saaremaa Wildlife Safari is here to help as they conduct birdwatching excursions.

In spring, for example, you can witness the migration of common cranes on Saaremaa, as large flocks gather and fill the air with their trumpeting calls. A large number of geese and ducks stop on the coastal areas and islets, using the island as a stopover on their way to their northern breeding grounds. In autumn, Saaremaa becomes an ideal location for observing migrating birds of prey. Both white-tailed sea eagles and common buzzards can be seen soaring above the island or looking for suitable hunting ground.

The peace and tranquility of winter also create ideal conditions for birdwatching, allowing you to spot even the rarest and most elusive species. The rare species that can be seen in winter include, for example, the Steller’s eider.

Saaremaa’s natural diversity and vast open spaces make birdwatching particularly enjoyable. The island is sparsely populated with plenty of open space to enjoy nature undisturbed. The coastline, marshes, meadows and forests create diverse habitats that attract a wide range of bird species, providing birdwatchers with a variety of experiences. The birdwatching towers of Saaremaa can be found HERE.

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Birdwatching is special on Saaremaa

Finnish freelance photographer and journalist Jouni Valkanieemi has said: ‘Saaremaa is a birdwatcher’s paradise in many ways. Firstly, the island’s bird life is exceptionally rich and diverse. Saaremaa is located at the crossroads of important migratory routes, where many southern and northern species meet, as well as birds from western and eastern areas. It offers excellent birdwatching opportunities in all seasons, even in winter. Secondly, getting around Saaremaa is very comfortable and pleasant. There are plenty of wide open spaces where you can enjoy peaceful birdwatching without disturbing the locals. In all my travels, I have never once met a Saaremaa local with a negative attitude towards birdwatchers. On the contrary, people have often approached me to ask what birds I have spotted. It is particularly nice that the beaches of Saaremaa are not enclosed with fences or built up, as is the case in some parts of Finland. The size and vastness of Saaremaa offer the joy of discovery for a long time – getting to know the island thoroughly takes time. This is a place where you can find good birdwatching spots for several days and each visit brings new and unique experiences.’
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Visit Saaremaa - Sookured - loomafoto

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