UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

On the islands, people feel a deep connection with both the land and the sea, and preserving the delicate balance of nature is integral to their natural way of life. Inspired by nature, the people of Saaremaa are working to create a better future for themselves and the world.

Saaremaa – part of the global UNESCO network. Since 1990, the islands of West Estonia have been part of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve programme ‘Man and the Biosphere’ network.

The living environment preserved for centuries, unique traditions and the hardworking and humorous local people have earned special recognition for their ability to live in harmony with nature.

The inhabitants of the island live their daily lives much like sailors on a long voyage: continuously monitoring the weather and wind, while always considering whether they have enough water and food.

A boat must be equipped with everything necessary to handle any situation. Nothing is discarded if it can be repurposed. Life on a boat is economical and purposeful, with everything on the boat having its place and function.

Whether living on an island or a boat, you have to be resourceful and know how to make use of what you have. And above all, you must understand the sea, respecting it rather than fearing it. The people of Saaremaa know when it is time to head to the forest and when to the sea. Nothing here happens by chance, everything has a reason. It is an experience living today in a way that ensures there will also be enough for tomorrow.

Visit Saaremaa - Fishing boat - photo

The UNESCO Biosphere Programme ‘Man and the Biosphere’ is currently focusing on ensuring that more and more people make sustainable lifestyle choices. In simpler terms, it aims to encourage people to choose a lifestyle that is more like a long sea voyage. Each of us determines the extent to which we can pass on to future generations the environment we enjoy today.

UNESCO Biosphere Reserves are unique areas in the world where you can see unspoiled nature, taste local, natural food and enjoy art inspired by nature.

To learn more about the West Estonian Archipelago Biosphere Reserve programme and its activities, see the relevant document.

More information can also be found on the website of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere programme.

Visit Saaremaa - Koigi raba - loodusfoto

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